The power of strong branding to raise awareness & funds
for a non-profit.
Pink Aid is a very successful non-profit brand which was created by WSAA. WSAA principals Amy Gross and Renée Mandis are co-founders of this 501C3 organization started in 2011, which provides free screening and financial and compassionate assistance to underserved breast cancer patients and populations throughout Connecticut, with a second chapter serving Long Island since 2014.
WSAA created the name “Pink Aid,” the logo and all graphic and communications assets associated with the brand, including themed invitations to Pink Aid’s Annual Luncheon & Fashion Show, event ads, website, newsletter, event signage and experiences and more. WSAA has also created several Pink Aid sub-brands, including Pink Aid's Pink Purse emergency fund, which was launched nationally at Pink Aid's first virtual gala in 2020. The hour-long event was produced by WSAA.
In ten years, Pink Aid has granted a total of over $6.5 million. Pink Aid attracts hundreds of individual and corporate donors each year, has robust programs in schools and communities and thus far has provided screening, financial assistance and or/services to over 10,000 people.